Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Poetry Heart Spill #4

Childhood Fears

I sat there
A hard hospital bed
my front row seat
You came in
Smiling wickedly
A freakish face and balloon animals
Keeping me from true focus
In the middle of your office
A three ring circus
Here you did tricks
Mystifying me with what I did not know

Terrified I huddled
Not wanting to switch roles
Having been many times before
I knew you would make me
Costume change
Mine a paper gown
Yours just two letters
In place of a red nose

I covered my eyes
Tried to send myself to dreams
You had played a mean trick
It was like
A scary movie I tried to forget-
only to keep the nightmares away

It's all your fault
I have fears

With your face washed-
A bad man would stand centerring
No one believed me
(a child afraid of you?)
They wiped my tears with presents
A stuffed cat as protection

I sat there
Pleading silently

I told them I've always hated clowns

the blonde one

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