Saturday, December 20, 2008

Poetry Heartspill # 11

Difference of Christmas

Capturing Christmas in words
is like trying to hold a snowflake
long enough to describe it

The heart, the love
that shines in the shadows of your breath
on a December night

I've always wanted to paint a picture
to show people what Christmas
truly means to me

My words are unworthy to be put on this page
the joy I feel
sitting with my coffee
on my Grandma's puzzle piece couch
hearing the laughter
the exuberance
of family

Going outside as the last moments
of the joyous season slip away
wanting to hold it
tuck in my heart for a rainy day

Every year promising I won't let the joy
fall through my fingers

I beg you
hold the difference of Christmas
Peace, peace on earth

Jesus loves all

the blonde one

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